A Unique Historic Site : Paris - Paris's Area

A Unique Historic Site : Paris - Paris's Area

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. "In Paris, I have before my eyes the five thousand hectares of the world where he was the most thought, the most talked about, the most written.
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A Unique Place BY excellence

That's why we love Paris and Paris's area

A Unique Historic Site : Paris - Paris's Area
To speak of Paris is both obvious and complicated. We all have his personal experience of Paris. We like it or not. But we can agree on one thing : Paris embodies France, its soul and its heart. The French Revolution, the Old Regime, the Middle Ages, the Commune... some parts of the history of France hardly mentioned and these are entire neighborhoods, buildings, hotels, streets, suburbs, cathedrals, castles that appear at the bottom of our collective memory : the Tuileries, the Louvre and Catherine de Medicis, the mansions of the 4th arrondissement, the Bastille, the Grands Boulevards, Notre-Dame and Victor Hugo, Versailles and the 3 Louis, XIV, XV, XVI, the Invalides, the Champs-Élysées, Montmartre and its artists, Camille Claudel, Renoir, the Conciergerie and Marie-Antoinette, the Place de la Concorde and the Guillotine, that of Greve and the merchants of the Middle Age, the ballad of François Villon... the statue of Étienne Marcel, provost of the merchants, on the quays, Saint Germain des Prés and the years 50 and 60... I forget ? Sorry. There is my Paris and yours.

Paris is the genealogical tree of France, our common root, the city of our ancestors, the Parisii, descendants of Isis or Paris, it does not matter... it is about Love in there. A stylish melting pot of history and art, a bath of culture in the polluted waters of the Seine.